14 results for tag: Cindy Brandt

CWRm – Feb 2018 – “The Great Migration”

CLICK HERE to read CWR magazine, Feb. 2018 Issue (Free PDF format) Brian McLaren: "The Great Migration" –pg. 3 Stephen Backhouse: "Soren Kierkegaard: Father of Christianity Without Religion" –pg. 6 CWR News, Updates, Coming Soon –pg. 10 Cindy Brandt: "Inconspicuous Hope" – pg. 12 Eden Jersak: "The Rose" –pg. 13 Greg Albrecht: “God’s Plan for Your Life?” –pg. 14

February 2018

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brian McLaren: The Great Migration – pg. 3 Stephen Backhouse: Soren Kierkegaard: Father of Christianity Without Religion – pg. 6 CWR News, Updates, Coming Soon pg. 10 Cindy Brandt: Inconspicuous Hope – pg. 12 Eden Jersak: The Rose – pg. 13 Greg Albrecht: “God's Plan for Your Life?” -pg. 14

April 2017

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: The Wounds that Heal – pg. 1 Cindy Brandt: Easter: The Game Changer – pg. 6 Paul Young: The Shack - Interview with Paul Young – pg. 7 Greg Albrecht: "Have I truly accepted Christ?" – pg. 10 Greg Albrecht: The Mother of Us All – pg. 11 Brad Jersak: The Great Descent – pg. 15

February 2017

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: How Great is the Love? – pg. 1 Cindy Brandt: Outgrowing the Christian Bubble – pg. 5 Rob Grayson: Fear God... Or Fear Not? – pg. 7 Greg Albrecht: "I feel like I never do anything right!" – pg. 9 Jeff K. Clarke: This World IS My Home and I am NOT Just Passing Through! – pg. 10 Josh Valley: Being Cross-shaped in a World Bent out of Shape – pg. 13 Brad Jersak: Ghouls, Ghosts... and Gospel! – pg. 15

Inconspicuous Hope by Cindy Brandt

Download or Read the Article: Inconspicuous Hope

Kissing Evangelism Goodby – Cindy Brandt

Download or Read the Article: Kissing Evangelism Goodby

Winter 2016

Articles: Dare to Hope...Can All Be Saved? - page 4 32 Scriptures that Dare Us to Hope - page 6 7 Myths about Christian Universalism - page 8  "If you want to see folk damned..." - page 12 Changing Diapers for God - page 15 Nones and Dones - page 16 One Road; Two Ditches - page 20 A Perfect Plan for Your Life? - page 23 Jesus, Son of Adam - page 24 "When the time had fully come..." - page 25 What Itching Ears Really Want to Hear - page 31

Deconstruction? Or Integration! – Cindy Brandt

Sometimes it feels like people view my deconstruction as exchanging one outfit for another. Like I took off my conservative clothing and put on a new progressive/liberal label. But it is so much more than that. It's like I was merely a shadow before--ephemeral, flimsy, like a ghost. Slowly, and with intention, I've become less and less satisfied with a limited capacity to feel, and instead demanded solid flesh and blood, with a fullness to see, touch, sing, love and make things; to feel my heart pulsating to the beat of my very own rhythm; to move through the world wildly whole. So much of my spirituality was conjured up out of thin ...

Fall 2016

Articles: Remembering 9-11: 15 Years Later - page 4 When Towers Fall - page 11 Five Stages of Religious Violence - page 14 Religion That's Lost Its Way - page 16 What's so "Christian" about Christianity? - page 17 "Fear Not" - page 18 Raising Children with Fearless Faith - page 20 The Dogs of Legalism: Can Religion Help with Stress? - page 21 The Therapeutic Massage of Prayer - page 25 George MacDonald's Spiritual Journey (& mine too) - page 26 House of Cards - page 27 Times of Refreshing and Restoration - page 31

Summer 2016

Articles: Whose Image Is on the Coin? Religion & Politics - p4 Why We Love The Walking Dead - p8 I Wish the Bible Had Never Been Written - p14 God Is Not a Monster - p15 The Gospel in Three Words - p17 Because He First Loved Us - p18 Raising Children Un-fundamentalist - p20 You Don't Need Another Study Bible - p21 Putting the World Back Into Christianity - p23 Burning Ember: The Steve Bell Adventure - p25 Father, Forgive Us - p28 Walking Through Minefields Together - p29 Missing What Mark? -p31

Spring 2016

Articles: The Jesus Way - p4 Out for Blood? - p7 Golgatha: Collision of Sin and Grace - p13 The verdict Is In... -p14 Jesus at the Gates of Hell - p17 The Importance of Doubt - p19 Strange Land of Dread and Denial - p20 More Than Magazines (2015 Year in Review) -p26 Kissing Evangelism Goodbye - p28 The Jewish Teacher - p29 God Is Not the Witch -p31

Firm Foundation or Christian Bubble? Cindy Brandt

Cindy Brandt is a blogger at CindyWords.comhttp://cindywords.com and at Unfundamentalist Parenting. She is also a regular columnist for CWR magazine.   In this talk, Cindy describes how carefully raising children in a Christian subculture or 'bubble' establishes and reinforces in-out, us-them binaries. Is this really a solid foundation for their faith? Or might there be a better and more beautiful approach to raising children of authentic faith? 

Does God Love You and Have a Wonderful Plan for Your Life? Cindy Brandt

Cindy Brandt is a blogger at CindyWords.comhttp://cindywords.com and at Unfundamentalist Parenting. She is also a regular columnist for CWR magazine.   In this talk, Cindy critically examines the inherent problems and consequences of raising children under the "first law" of the classic tract, The Four Spiritual Laws.  Law #1 states "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life." Cindy offers an alternative, especially in the context of unfundamentalist parenting: "God loves us. Full stop." What might that look like?

How I Kissed Evangelism Goodbye – Cindy Brandt