11 results for tag: Stephen Crosby

November 2021

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: The New Math of the Gospel of John – pg. 1 The Joy of Thanksgiving – pg. 2 Money Can't Buy Me Love – pg. 5 I Wonder – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Divine Disillusionment – Stephen Crosby

"Disillusionment is God's most faithful servant" Stephen Crosby Anyone who would be a disciple of Christ will, at some point in their lives, experience disillusion and disappointment--especially in local church dynamics dealing with other people.  How can the experience be redemptively understood and processed? Let’s consider three metaphors. Don’t Tug My Rug If people are happy with the rug on which they are standing, even if it is a nasty old thing, they will not appreciate anyone tugging on it or being nagged to replace it. Every attempt to persuade them about how bad their rug is, how unhelpful it is for them, ...

Money Can’t Buy Me Love – Stephen Crosby

The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls . . .  So wrote Simon and Garfunkel in their 1966 hit song, The Sound of Silence. If we pay close attention, we will find that the secular artists (poets, musicians, authors, etc.) of a culture often speak kingdom values and insights to the people of God with a clarity not found among the people of God. A Boy and the Beatles I grew up in the sixties listening to the Beatles. In terms of teen-idols, I wanted to be them. Like so many at the time, I picked up the guitar and played in various bands for many years. Lennon and McCartney wrote a tune that went to #1 called: Can't Buy ...

The Gospel In Nonviolence – Stephen Crosby

The following is a true story that clearly demonstrates the essence of the gospel in nonviolence. I wept in thankfulness the first time I read this. It is an incident cited by Kenneth Bailey[i] involving King Hussein of Jordan, and confirmed through high-ranking American intelligence officers stationed in Jordan at the time this event took place: King Hussein of Jordon One night in the early 1980’s, the king was informed by his security police that a group of about seventy-five Jordanian army officers were at that very moment meeting in a nearby barracks, plotting a military overthrow of the kingdom. The security officers requested permission ...

February 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: God Loves Everyone– pg. 3 Brad Jersak: Religiosity Is Adapting– pg. 7 Stephen Crosby: The Original Prodigal Sons – pg. 10 Debbie Hughes: Deconstruction - a Poem – pg. 12 Sean Davidson: Deconstruction Defined – pg. 13 Brad Jersak: The Mystery of the Trinity -pg. 14

June 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Only God Is Good– pg. 1 Steve Brown: Don't Miss Out on Your Real Father– pg. 6 Felicia Murrell: Magic Genie or Heavenly Father? – pg. 8 Stephen Crosby: Praying Into the Abyss of Despair – pg. 9 Brian Zahnd: God's Love in Granite – pg. 11 Greg Albrecht: Can I Do This Faith Journey... -pg. 14

February 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Trending: Deconstruction– pg. 3 Greg Albrecht: Aroma of Love, Stench of Greed– pg. 6 Rachel Ramer: Heirs to Religious Angst – pg. 8 Stephen Crosby: Confessions of a Christian Idiot – pg. 11 Peter Enns: No Contradictions in the Bible! You Heard Me! – pg. 13 Brad Jersak: “According to the Scriptures” -pg. 15

April 2018

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Why Did Jesus Die? – pg. 3 Kenneth Tanner: Lazarus' Story is the World's Story – pg. 6 Greg Albrecht: The Church: It's the People, Not the Steeple – pg. 9 Stephen Crosby: The Cleansing of the Temple: Did Jesus Sanction Violence? – pg. 12 Greg Albrecht: “Who's Going to Heaven?” -pg. 15

The Cleansing of the Temple: Does Jesus Sanction Violence?

Download or Read the Article: The Cleansing of the Temple: Does Jesus Sanction Violence?

Winter 2016

Articles: Dare to Hope...Can All Be Saved? - page 4 32 Scriptures that Dare Us to Hope - page 6 7 Myths about Christian Universalism - page 8  "If you want to see folk damned..." - page 12 Changing Diapers for God - page 15 Nones and Dones - page 16 One Road; Two Ditches - page 20 A Perfect Plan for Your Life? - page 23 Jesus, Son of Adam - page 24 "When the time had fully come..." - page 25 What Itching Ears Really Want to Hear - page 31

Fall 2015

Articles: Responding to the River of God's Grace -p4 Reading the Bible as an Epic Story -p8 Everything Happens for a  Reason...Or? -p9 Giving Thanks to the Master -p11 Millennials and Money -p14 Don't Water it Down -p16 "Are you saved?" -p17 Jesus IS What God Has to Say -p19 Inspiried, Infallible & Inerrant? -p20 Does Recovering from Religion Have to be Morose p25 Are Bible Verses the Worst Thing Ever? -p26 Disarming Scripture -p28 Defending the Bible? -p31