3 results for tag: relationship

More on Inviting our Everywhere-Present God – Brad Jersak

Awhile back, I wrote a post on why we ask Abba for gifts already given. In that article, I distinguished between problematic assumptions about our need to ask (e.g. needing to beg a stingy God) and healthier reasons why we Christ instructed us to ask (e.g. God honors our permission). In this post, I will pick up on the important difference between alienation, separation and space as we conceive our relationship with God. Alienation vs Separation This weekend, I was thinking about the Prodigal Son's real experience of alienation from his father. That is, he felt the pain of turning from his father's love. Out of this alienation, he ...

November 2021

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: The New Math of the Gospel of John – pg. 1 The Joy of Thanksgiving – pg. 2 Money Can't Buy Me Love – pg. 5 I Wonder – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

August 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Healthy Faith or Toxic Religion?– pg. 1 Keith Giles: The Gospel: Information or Transformation?– pg. 6 Brad Jersak: Is Christ in All People or Only in Christians? – pg. 10 Peter Enns: The Bible's True Purpose – pg. 12 Brad Jersak: Three Visions of Salvation -pg. 14