4 results for tag: worship

To Watch or To Worship

Many Christians are far more comfortable detached and observing; "watching" rather than "worshiping." How do you respond to our Lord and Savior? Are you a "watcher" or a "worshiper"?

A Totem Tale by Jim Fowler

Jim Fowler Fires burn in each settlement across the land. The sound of tom-toms can be heard in the background. It is the time for the perennial carving of totem-poles. Congregating in our tee-pees, each group heatedly considers the essentials of their belief-system. After due consultation of these spirit-matters, consensus is achieved within each tribe as to how they will stack their totem-pole. The meticulous carving begins. Every detail is important, because each cut has implied meaning. Distinction must be achieved, even in the intensity of the painted colors. Extreme effort is made to make it appear life-like. Duly carved and erected for ...

Why Worship? For Our Daddy to See – Caleb Miller

One night I was out cooking in my kitchen—I often do the cooking, I thoroughly enjoy it—and I heard my 2 year old son running back and forth from the kitchen to the living room.  Each time he returned, he had another small car in his hand.  Looking at the floor, I saw his little cars all lined up perfectly in a row.  Dylan’s face was beaming, and through an ear to ear smile he shouted, “See daddy, cars!”  He was so proud of his collection of cars and just wanted me to share in his joy.  In that instant, I had a glimpse of the Father’s heart towards us.    Dylan was thrilled with his cars. ...

August 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Healthy Faith or Toxic Religion?– pg. 1 Keith Giles: The Gospel: Information or Transformation?– pg. 6 Brad Jersak: Is Christ in All People or Only in Christians? – pg. 10 Peter Enns: The Bible's True Purpose – pg. 12 Brad Jersak: Three Visions of Salvation -pg. 14