4 results for tag: Caleb Miller

Why Worship? For Our Daddy to See – Caleb Miller

One night I was out cooking in my kitchen—I often do the cooking, I thoroughly enjoy it—and I heard my 2 year old son running back and forth from the kitchen to the living room.  Each time he returned, he had another small car in his hand.  Looking at the floor, I saw his little cars all lined up perfectly in a row.  Dylan’s face was beaming, and through an ear to ear smile he shouted, “See daddy, cars!”  He was so proud of his collection of cars and just wanted me to share in his joy.  In that instant, I had a glimpse of the Father’s heart towards us.    Dylan was thrilled with his cars. ...

When We “Know As We Are Fully Known” – Caleb Miller

When all of our darkness and all that we believe to be light comes face to face—finally—with the One in and through and by whom all things were made, when all our good intentions are laid out and our best made plans meet the architect of the cosmos, when our internal “I am not” comes crashing into the Eternal “I AM”, all that bids us to say “no” to the beauty of love will forever be done away with and we will hence, “know as we are known”. This is not an atonement theory, neither is it a specific hermeneutic. It is a declaration of the success of Jesus, not over some ideological “sin” as though God is somehow able to “fill ...

Taking a Break from Deconstruction – Caleb Miller

The approach so many take to their faith is found only in positive affirmation of things they already believe or the repeated affirmations of the commonly accepted doctrines of their local body of faith. This is known as cataphatic theology, which finds its definitions of God in affirmations and positive statements (God is, versus God is not). It is likely the leading approach to God in the Western church, and certainly within the streams of Christianity known as the grace and charismatic movements. It is also the largest reason so many I’ve met are unwilling to pull their god from their hearts and see if he’s even good enough to be in there—...

What does the Cross reveal? – Caleb Miller

The cross of Christ is much more than just a horrendous method of torturing someone. The cross reveals to us the heart of humanity, rather than the heart of the Father. The cross gives us a picture each and every year of the depths of human depravity and violence. For the life of me, I cannot make sense of any atonement theory that says the Father punished Jesus, emptied his wrath upon Jesus, used Jesus as a cosmic go-between to save people from the fury and anger of the divine dungeon master or any variation thereof. That is extremely basic faith. The church fathers didn’t propose PSA1 as a view on the atonement because it laid waste to the ...