3 results for tag: stress

July 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Mental Health Care: A Christian Response – pg. 1 Show Your Cards, Not Your Trophies – pg. 2 Two Ships that Pass in the Night – pg. 5 Elevator Dogmatics – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Fall 2016

Articles: Remembering 9-11: 15 Years Later - page 4 When Towers Fall - page 11 Five Stages of Religious Violence - page 14 Religion That's Lost Its Way - page 16 What's so "Christian" about Christianity? - page 17 "Fear Not" - page 18 Raising Children with Fearless Faith - page 20 The Dogs of Legalism: Can Religion Help with Stress? - page 21 The Therapeutic Massage of Prayer - page 25 George MacDonald's Spiritual Journey (& mine too) - page 26 House of Cards - page 27 Times of Refreshing and Restoration - page 31

Will it Hurt Less if I Can Control it? by Mike Peterson

Security Blanket Over the past 25 years I have taught a graduate course entitled “Human Responses to Stress,” which more aptly should be called, as I tell my students, “Human Responses to Life” because it is life events and circumstances that cause us distress. Of all the many ways we respond to stress two themes emerge as having preeminence: predictability and control. We go to great lengths to control our lives and make them predictable. In fact, an unpredictable life is a life that is very stressful, and potentially harmful. When we drive, we like other driver’s behavior to be predictable—we want them to predictably stay on their ...