6 results for tag: politics

November 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: 60 Years Later... If JFK Could Talk – pg. 1 The Love of Thanksgiving – pg. 2 Should We Fear God? – pg. 5 A Sickness Unto Death – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Politicizing the Gospel – Part #3 by Greg Albrecht

In PART #1 of “POLITICIZING THE GOSPEL” we considered the last 100 years of warfare and the way in which politics and religion often intermingle.   In PART #2 of “POLITICIZING THE GOSPEL” we specifically examined ways in which politics and religion are intermarried, particularly in the United States.  In this third and last installment, PART # 3 OF “POLITICIZING THE GOSPEL” we are will examine five stages in which religious violence can grow, while comparing it with the parallels to political violence. In the wake of recent internal extremism within North America, Canadians and Americans are reflecting about the ...

Politicizing the Gospel – Part #2 by Greg Albrecht

In PART #1 of “POLITICIZING THE GOSPEL” we considered the recent backdrop of warfare and violence.  In PART #2 we begin to narrow our focus as to the nefarious marriage of politics and religion.                                      Militant Evangelism and Nationalism In terms of religion, we must not forget the attempts by Christendom to “evangelize” people all around the world whom it deemed to be pagans (and other pejorative terms).  The historical ...

Politicizing the Gospel – Part #1 – by Greg Albrecht

In PART #1 of “POLITICIZING THE GOSPEL” we will summarize the violence that so permeates the world of politics and religion today, and set the stage for a deeper analysis of the dark forces that contribute to this evil reality. John 3:19-20: “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.” It is not exactly breaking news to announce that self-styled wolves in sheep’s clothing attempt to control, coerce and dominate others in the name of ...

Summer 2016

Articles: Whose Image Is on the Coin? Religion & Politics - p4 Why We Love The Walking Dead - p8 I Wish the Bible Had Never Been Written - p14 God Is Not a Monster - p15 The Gospel in Three Words - p17 Because He First Loved Us - p18 Raising Children Un-fundamentalist - p20 You Don't Need Another Study Bible - p21 Putting the World Back Into Christianity - p23 Burning Ember: The Steve Bell Adventure - p25 Father, Forgive Us - p28 Walking Through Minefields Together - p29 Missing What Mark? -p31

Spring 2015

Articles: Welcome to CWRm!  - p4 The Truth Is Beautiful -p6 Abraham Lincoln: A "None" Before His Time -p7 Walking Where Jesus Walked? -p14 Politics & Christ-Followers -p16 Just How Does "Dying for Our Sins" Work? -p17 Deserve's Got Nothing to Do With It -p18 Up Against Religion -p20 God Lets His Children Tell the Story -p21 Massacres in the Name of Religion -p23 Why the Cross Matters -p25 More than a Magazine (2014 Year in Review) -p26 Whitney Houston: Was She or Wasn't She?? -p28