8 results for tag: suffering
He Knows Just How You Feel
While it is physically impossible for a family member or friend to know exactly how we feel as we suffer and endure, we may be assured that Jesus knows JUST how we feel.
The Dark Night of the Soul
In Christ, even during dark and troubling times of suffering, grief and loss, we may find significance and purpose. Join Greg as he discusses what Paul longed for, as he yearned to know the power of Jesus' resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings.
April 2023
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Brad Jersak: Logos, Light & Lamb – pg. 2
Greg Albrecht: Everything Happens for a Reason? – pg. 4
Greg Albrecht: Nailmarks, Scars & Doubts – pg. 7
Looking to Jesus – We gaze on the Light when shrouded in Darkness – Greg Albrecht
Greg Albrecht - PTM President
Yet again we have been shocked at the perverse darkness of evil evidenced through the tragedies of shootings and terrorism. Just when we think the valley of the shadow of death could not get any darker it does. We will mourn with those in grief and we dare not stifle their angry cry of lament. Yet again, the Psalmist's cry echoes across the millennia "How long, O Lord!?"
Yet again political parties co-opt our grief and loss as a platform to gain supporters for their cause as they point out real or imagined inadequacies of those on the “the other side of the aisle.” Just when we thought politics ...
August 2020
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Greg Albrecht: Destroyed But Not Defeated– pg. 3
Brad Jersak: Grace Is the Real Offense– pg. 7
Blair Baker: Keep Shining – pg. 10
Jonathan Foster: My Soul Is Like a Chiminea – pg. 11
Brad Jersak: With Hope for All, Why Share Our Faith? -pg. 15
June 2020
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Greg Albrecht: Tear Down This Wall– pg. 3
Brad Jersak: Practicing Matthew 18 without a Bludgeon– pg. 7
Steve Crosby: Script-torturing Matthew 18 – pg. 10
Jeff K. Clarke: The Gospel of Sin Management – pg. 12
Richard Rohr: The Mystery of Suffering – pg. 14
Greg Albrecht: Politically Charged Conversations -pg. 15
March 2020
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Following in Jesus' Footsteps – pg. 1
Grace Brings Grace Home – pg. 2
Walking in the Jesus Way – pg. 5
Fences Are for Dogs – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
Is the Cure worse than the Disease?
The author Athanasius Yohan I (K.P. Yohannan) is the Metropolitan of Believers Eastern Church which has 57 dioceses and more than 12,000 congregations throughout the world. More than four decades ago, K.P Yohannan founded GFA World, which has become a significant charity helping those in need across Asia. He has authored more than 250 books, including Revolution in World Missions with more than 4 million copies in print.
A few months ago I saw a picture that I can’t get out my head. It was of a little boy, maybe 5 years old, sitting on a sidewalk of a normally busy city utterly grief-stricken hanging onto another little boy, most ...