11 results for tag: judgment

Judgment & Restoration: Delivered Over & Delivered From – Brad Jersak

"In Isaiah 26.9-10, judgment is identified in terms that instruct the inhabitants of the world and reveal a greater purpose toward Israel and mankind. Judgment is not an end goal but a means towards the greater purpose of restoration and salvation. In Isaiah, the purpose of God’s judgments is revealed as instructive and redemptive rather than destructive. That judgment is unto salvation and redemption is a major theme in the book of Isaiah as well as other prophets... In Isaiah 26:9-10 judgment is unto restoration. Divine Judgment is meant to bring deliverance as well as teach righteousness to all the inhabitants of the world. " --Nico Deschner ...

March 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Come Out of Her and Come to Me! – pg. 1 Confronted by Christ – pg. 2 Which Thief Are You? – pg. 5 Master Potter – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Q&R – Does Christ ‘deny us’? with Brad Jersak

Question: I have a question about Matthew 10:33 and 2 Timothy 2:11-12. Both passages describe Jesus denying us. This seems to be contrary to his nature and contrary to most of the theologians I find myself reading. Yet, I see these statements (among others) that seem to paint Jesus has relatively severe. My task has been to try and see the self-giving God revealed in Jesus and yet not neglect the hard sayings of Jesus. I’ve actually found the task of Christology to be more difficult than I had imagined. Response: Let's start with our shared assumptions, (1) that the God revealed in Jesus Christ is radically inclusive, unfailing Love whose mercy ...

July 2022

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Unadorned Clay Pots – pg. 1 Freedom to Forgive – pg. 2 Thanks PTM - Keep On Rockin'! – pg. 5 The Band – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

July 2021

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: The Father I Never Knew – pg. 1 Get Comfortable With the Questions – pg. 2 How Free Do You Want to Be? – pg. 4 God's Not Through With Us Yet – pg. 5 Life's Lava Tubes – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

April 2021

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: When Jesus Rode into Town– pg. 2 Laura Urista: The Heart of the Matter– pg. 4 Ed Dunn: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled– pg. 5 Brad Jersak: Pastoral Perspective – pg. 7

February 2021

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Christ or Nothing– pg. 2 Richard Murray: Intellectual Honesty– pg. 5 Brad Jersak: Pastoral Perspective – pg. 7

November 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Like Wool on Sheep – pg. 1 Descending to Serve – pg. 2 Thanksgiving for Everyone – pg. 5 Scaredy Pants – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

August 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Destroyed But Not Defeated– pg. 3 Brad Jersak: Grace Is the Real Offense– pg. 7 Blair Baker: Keep Shining – pg. 10 Jonathan Foster: My Soul Is Like a Chiminea – pg. 11 Brad Jersak: With Hope for All, Why Share Our Faith? -pg. 15

Breakfast with Brad – Agents of Judgment or Messengers of Invitation?

In which judgment makes Brad defiant rather than repentant ... adding sour cream and salmon flakes to his Kraft Dinner. What if God understands that dynamic, too?

Breakfast with Brad – “Moving On” – Ashamed of Jesus?

In which Brad tries his Jim Gaffigan's 'offended Christian' voice (see below--trigger warning), plans hard-boiled eggs embedded with garlic stuffed olives & ponders Jesus words in Luke 9:26.