5 results for tag: repentance

August 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: 60 years: He Had a Dream – pg. 2 Brad Jersak: BIPOC Faith 60 Years On – pg. 4 Richard Rohr: Envisioning a New World – pg. 7 Greg Albrecht A More Christlike Justice – pg. 8

Healing Weary Words: Sin, Repentance and Justification – Brad Jersak

Healing Weary Words: Sin, Repentance and Justification We’re often told “sin” refers to “missing the mark” but then left to assume the mark has to do with moralistic perfection. Rather, the mark, goal or telos of human design and destiny is none other than love union with Trinity, with each other and with our world. To sin (every kind of sin) is to misuse our God-given freedom/energies to turn away from self-giving, other-welcoming love in favor of self-will. As it turns out, our forays into self-centeredness are also self-destructive—a turn from love and life into a wasting disease that would ultimately prove fatal apart from the ...

Q&R with Brad Jersak – Sin

Question: I have just finished reading "Out of the Embers," and you know, I never once thought about sin (at least "sin" as understood in my evangelical context). Does sin (moral or ethical infraction) mean anything to you anymore?  To God? Response: Great question! In our modern and post-modern context, the word "sin" often carries a lot of baggage and not nearly enough depth. For example, in the tradition I was formed in, "sin" generally referred to: 1. The "sin condition" I was born with, inherited from Adam's guilt... we called this "the sin nature" and were taught that when we came to Christ, we would receive a "new nature" or "new ...

Repentance — What and How?

What's repentance all about?  How does one come to it, and what's the motivation?  Greg gives the biblical teaching about repentance, so don't miss listening to this nuts-and-bolts discussion. https://ptmorg.dreamsites.io/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0164.mp3

July 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Let's Make a Deal – pg. 1 Who Is God and What Is He Like? – pg. 2 Healing Weary Words – pg. 5 Reflections in Pools – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8 CLICK on MAGAZINE COVER BELOW for Flipping Page Format [real3dflipbook id="188"]