6 results for tag: giving

Help Us Help Others

Please consider helping us help others. Plain Truth Ministries (PTM) is a community of Christ-followers, friends and partners who believe in the spiritual freedom found in “Christianity without the religion.” PTM ministers to and provides spiritual nourishment and resources for religious refugees around the world. PTM offers hope and encouragement to those who have been imprisoned and disenfranchised by toxic and legalistic religion. Our financial supporters in the U.S. and Canada receive hardcopies of our monthly magazines and partner letters. In addition, our website: ptmorg.dreamsites.io offers audio messages for every day of the ...

Giving and FOR-Giving

God's forgiveness means that we have been forgiven once and for all. Once we have received his forgiveness, there is no need for us to feel un-forgiven until we formally ask God to forgive us again. https://ptmorg.dreamsites.io/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR452.mp3

More Blessed to Give Than Receive

Join us to discover the immense, far-reaching dimensions of grace-based teaching behind this short saying of Jesus, proclaimed by Paul in Acts 20:35. https://ptmorg.dreamsites.io/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR451.mp3

Giving – the Heart of God by Greg Albrecht

World famous comedian Jack Benny, known for being a tightwad, once related that he had been confronted by a thief on a dark, metropolitan street. The thief gave Benny a choice, “Your money or your life!” Jack Benny didn’t respond immediately, so the thief yelled, “Didn’t you hear what I said?” Benny responded, “Sure I did. I’m thinking. I’m thinking!” Jesus told the rich man (Matthew 19:16-29) that becoming a follower of Jesus Christ involves surrendering both our money and our life. God wants all of us—not just a part of us. When Jesus told the rich man to give away all that he had, he was simply telling the man to ...

Generosity Without Expectations – Greg Albrecht

A youth group from a prosperous North American suburb volunteered to help a pastor serve meals in an inner-city soup kitchen. Before this experience, most of these young people had only seen homeless people through their car windows as they and their family happened to drive through a poor part of town. It was just before Thanksgiving, and the young people served a hot meal of beans, turkey, mashed potatoes and yams to a long line of people. As they filed past these young people filling empty plates with generous servings, few of the homeless people made any eye contact with the young people who were serving the free meal, and only a few ...

Legacy Giving: For Today and Tomorrow – Plain Truth Ministries

Generous, Christ-centered Legacy Giving provides for the vibrant proclamation of the kingdom of God, both today and tomorrow. When we financially support the broad-casting, publishing and dissemination of the grace and love of God, we are involved in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Legacy Giving through Plain Truth Ministries is giving for today and giving for to-morrow. Download or Read the Article: Legacy Giving: