"The Grace In Which We Stand"
Join us for a fundamental and basic perspectives of the Grace of God in a short class that might be called “Grace 101” – based on Romans 5:1-5.
Join us for our Sunday Sermon:
Link to Christianity Without the Religion - Sunday
While it probably wasn't a New Year's resolution, the Apostle Paul made a resolution that can inspire and direct us as we prepare for a New Year.
Join us for a Christmas celebration as we ask and answer exactly what Christmas is and what it is not.
The Christmas story in the Gospel of John is the one that is least heard and least told in Christmas sermons, yet it is the mind-expanding big picture of the birth of our Lord.
The birth of Jesus announces the radical transformation of God's grace, a change that angers and upsets performance based religion.
It’s so easy to sugarcoat Christmas, turning it into a fantasy land dream world of decorations and tinsel and holly and gifts and inspiring music. It’s so easy to miss the fundamental, majestic and mysterious truth of the incarnation of God.
God came to our world in a completely unexpected and miraculous way through Mary, an ordinary teenager who was completely different from a woman who would have been considered worthy of such a calling. Jesus is still coming, to completely unexpected, ordinary people, like you and me!