19 results for tag: incarnation
“Breakfast with Brad” – Incarnation means God became human
In this episode of Breakfast with Brad," we are reminded that Incarnation (literally 'enfleshment') means that God became human. Why? To heal humanity and to reveal God's love in Jesus. Far from merely the initiating Christmas event, the Incarnation speaks of God assuming human nature as can be seen throughout the whole course of the life of Christ. Featured breakfast: jam-filled Christmas cookies!
PTM.org's "Breakfast with Brad" - Incarnation means God became human! from Brad Jersak on Vimeo.
February 2018
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Brian McLaren: The Great Migration – pg. 3
Stephen Backhouse: Soren Kierkegaard: Father of Christianity Without Religion – pg. 6
CWR News, Updates, Coming Soon pg. 10
Cindy Brandt: Inconspicuous Hope – pg. 12
Eden Jersak: The Rose – pg. 13
Greg Albrecht: “God's Plan for Your Life?” -pg. 14
When the Incarnation Gets Personal – Michael Frack
The thing about Christmas and the Incarnation that every now and then breaks through my stoic emotional defenses and leaves me blubbering like a child, is that God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, who sits on the Throne above every Throne, loves not just the human race in general, but loves me, cares enough for me, that he took on my flesh and my frame and came to be like me – that he came to know my suffering, and my darkness, and my pain – and that he came to be rejected as I am rejected. That he came into my mess to make his home in my despair, to live his life in the places where I can only see pain and death.
That he came to take the ...
December 2017
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Greg Albrecht: The KING Who Became a Man – pg. 1
Brad Jersak: The Great Scandal! – pg. 5
Eden Jersak: God With Us – pg. 8
Laura Urista: Good News of Great Joy – pg. 12
Brian Zahnd: Waiting for God to Act – pg. 13
Greg Albrecht: “If God is love, why would he allow a place like hell?” -pg. 15