4 results for tag: Christlike
Abp Lazar Puhalo on the “More Christlike” Trilogy
"I am not at all sure I see the value in all of the 'high theology'. Much of it is really theological philosophy. It is of value for keeping false images, potentially idolatries, from developing, but Christians really need a simple faith.
That is why I think your 'More Christlike' series is of such great value. Much theological writing is really for an intellectual elite. It can discourage the faithful because of its complexities. Of far greater value to the faithful is the presentation of a simple faith - a presentation that is guarded by the boundaries set by the Fathers, but presented in a manner comprehensible and meaningful to everyone. ...
Does God Do Anything He Wants Because He is God? Ken Tanner
I frequently run into the argument that God can do whatever he wants because he is God.
Partnered with this assertion is often an accusation that human "sensibilities" about what is right and wrong are not the same as God's—that his ways are higher than our ways—as a defense for God behaving in ways that we would otherwise call sociopathic in humans.
Christians believe we know what we know about evil because of what is revealed about God in Jesus Christ *and* by what is inherent in humanity, owing to our being fashioned in the image of God. This image is broken in us but not eradicated or absent, even in the "worst" of us.
And above and far ...
June 2017
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Greg Albrecht: Forgiveness...Who First? – pg. 1
Laura Urista: The Best Father's Day Gift – pg. 7
Brian Zahnd: The Charm of Beauty in an Ugly Age – pg. 11
Greg Albrecht: "Did 'all people' receive the Holy Spirit on Pentecost?" – pg. 12
Amber Hamilton: Reflections on A More Christlike God – pg. 13
Brad Jersak: Wishful thinking? Or Blessed Hope! – pg. 15
Trailer – A More Christlike God – Brad Jersak
Brad Jersak's A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel (CWR Press, 2015) can now be pre-ordered at https://ptmorg.dreamsites.io/uni/resources/order/form_christlike.php
Please consider sharing the video trailer for the book:
A More Christlike God – A More Beautiful Gospel from Plain Truth Ministries on Vimeo.