2 results for tag: Billy Graham

May 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Stretch Marks of a Mother's Love – pg. 1 One Day in May – pg. 2 The Kingdom in a Person – pg. 5 Grieving Nels – pg. 6 Prodigal Sons – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Resistance is Fertile: Christ is Risen and Death has Died — Brad Jersak

Christ is risen from the dead Trampling down death by death And upon those in the tomb bestowing life - Paschal Easter Hymn "Resistance is Futile" - the Borg Contrary to the boasting of most fictional alien invaders, resistance is not always futile. In truth, sometimes resistance is fertile. Case in point, a new friend was resisting the idea—even the possibility—that at the point of death, there may still be hope. Is death a locked door beyond which there is no further opportunity to hear and respond to the good news? My friend is sure of this. He cited the two classic texts, long known as deal-killers for any hope of a ‘second...